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Please note that people aged 50 to 64 years will not be vaccinated until November /December this is to ensure people most at risk are vaccinated first. If you are 50/64 with an eligible underlying condition you will be invited earlier.

Opening Hours - find out how and when you can see a GP

Find out when our practice is open, what the GP consulting times are and what to do if you need help when the practice is closed. Find out more

Repeat Prescriptions - order your medication online

Do you need to re-order your medication?  Find out more

Like To Register?  We welcome new patients to our practice area

New to the area and would like to join our practice? We would be happy to help you. Fill in our registration forms and come see us. Find out more

If You Can't Keep Your appointment , Please Cancel it or Reschedule It

Each month GP and nurse/healthcare assistant appointments are lost  because patients don't keep nor cancel their appointments.


Advice for Parents - Toileting Concerns

Please see below links to 2 short videos that may be of help to parents of primary school children with any toileting concerns. 

Up to 1 in 3 children are affected by constipation. Our bowel habits are an important indicator of our health and need the same attention and care as we would give our heart, joints and eyesight. Understanding good bowel health can help us manage many preventable conditions and minimise complications that can be associated with long-term conditions.


UTI Advice for All Ages

Click the link above help & advice on Urinary Tract Infections (Water Infections)


Do you need Antibiotics?

Click on the leaflets below for advice on illness, when you may need antibiotics and where or when to seek advice.

Get Well Soon without Antibiotics

Caring for Children with Coughs

Coughs & Colds

Antibiotics Don't Cure toothache

Treating a Respiratory Tract Infection

 Please review the CQC inspection report September 2017


Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
NHS Choices Behind the Headlines
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website